Is your overthinking or your anxiety out of control?

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Who wins in a fight, you or your anxious mind?

If the answer is not you, then I am sorry to tell you that your overthinking probably steals a lot of time and energy from your life, right?

This is why I have organized a free webinar on Monday 4th of April at 20:00 London time where you will learn how to control your overthinking to improve your anxiety.

To access the free webinar  where you will learn how to control your overthinking to improve your anxiety, you just have to fill in the form.

See you on Monday 4th of April at 20:00 London time.

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By the way, once you register for the webinar, you will also have the chance to join our private telegram group, where I will start teaching you  how to tame your overthinking to improve your anxiety.

Are you going to miss such a gift?

What to expect from the overthinking webinar:


You will learn several techniques to tame your overthinking


You will identify the roots of your overthinking


You will understand its negative impact in your emotional and physical health


You will integrate that you are not your thoughts


You will identify your inner critic voice


You will stop feeling anxious about overthinking


You will see the link beetween how you feel and what you think


You will see the link between your overthinking and your anxiety


You will learn how to explore your thoughts


You will recognize the importance of building your resilience

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Who I am, and how I went  through my anxiety

When we talk about overthinking and anxiety, I do not only know the coaching theory, but I do know how it is to feel it in your life, and suffer the consequences that it brings.

I know I can teach you how to cope your overthinking and your anxiety, because I did cope it too.


What my clients say about me

“You deserve a life free of anxious thoughts
and persistant worries”